NLP Enriched EHR Data Solutions

Metabolic Disease Dataset

Point of Care Marketing

Metabolic-specific, NLP enhanced EHR data in a research-ready format.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2022, approximately 37.3 million people, or 11.3% of the U.S. population, had diabetes. Metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome, are highly prevalent in the United States. Patients with a history of metabolic diseases may experience long-term complications as well as psychological and emotional symptoms.

Analysis of data from a cohort of patients with metabolic diseases can help researchers gain insights into various aspects of patients’ lives and tailor interventions to improve their physical, psychological, and social well-being. This holistic approach to care can result in better patient outcomes, enhanced quality of life, and a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing metabolic disease management.

Actionable, research-ready, metabolic-specific data

Veradigm’s Metabolic Disease Therapy Focused Solution is a natural language processing (NLP) enhanced, metabolic-focused sub-section of Veradigm Network EHR Data. Because Veradigm has direct access to the Veradigm Network of electronic health records (EHRs), we can access and analyze semi-structured data and unstructured notes that are not routinely offered with other deidentified real world data (RWD) providers – all on a massive scale.

Veradigm’s Metabolic Disease Dataset can help you:

  • Develop and better understand current therapies available for metabolic patients to facilitate optimal patient outcomes
  • Evaluate risk factors for metabolic disease in important patient subgroups, develop prediction models for use in daily care, and improve the quality of patient care
  • Understand a more complete picture of the patient journey while still allowing researchers to distill down into the details of care
  • Spend less time managing the data and more time on analysis that provides great results

Key Features Available

With Veradigm’s Metabolic Disease dataset, you can access the best features of Veradigm Network EHR Data, and enhanced NLP tables containing structured data from semi-structured and unstructured EHR data fields. All of this is integrated into an easy-to-use, industry standardized format.

  • Continually growing data set of more than 17 million patients in the metabolic cohort within the Veradigm Network EHR in the last five years alone
  • Custom NLP Enrichment available
  • Specific NLP models for Metabolic elements
  • Key disease states covered in this data set:
    • Diabetes
    • Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorders – Lipid Synthesis
    • Mitochondrial Disorder
    • Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorder – Lipid Metabolism
    • Carbohydrate Metabolism
    • Lysosomal Storage Disorder
    • Amino Acid Metabolism
    • Metabolic Disorder of Heme Biosynthesis
    • Urea Cycle Disorder
    • Liver Metabolism
    • Liver Disease
    • Severe Disorders of Lipid Metabolism

For the complete list of Key NLP terms included in the NLP-enriched Metabolic dataset, please contact Veradigm’s RWD specialists. Understand a more complete picture of the metabolic patient journey while still allowing you to distill down into the details of care.

Technology Delivered Directly to You

Never be left in the dark with expert technical and analytic training and support by Veradigm’s real-world data subject matter experts.

  • Direct access to de-identified Veradigm Network EHR Data, and NLP tables in a deidentified, manageable, and queryable manner, specific to metabolic diseases.
  • Record-level data will be hosted in a designated Snowflake location with the ability to support alternative delivery methods if necessary
  • Platform and software agnostic

Flexible delivery cadence that includes one-time, monthly or quarterly deliveries to suit your needs.

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