The prevalence of both obesity and diabetes have been increasing along with their associated health care costs.
Obesity has been a growing health concern in the US for a number of decades where adult obesity rates have almost tripled over the last 30 years from 15% in 1990 to 41.9% during 2017–March 2020. The prevalence of diagnosed diabetes has also increased in the last 20 years from 6.2% to 11.3% from 1999-2000 to 2017-2021. Along with this increase in prevalence, there have been corresponding increases in related morbidity and health care costs. Recent estimates of the direct medical cost for obesity in 2019 was $173 billion and of diagnosed diabetes in 2017 was $237 billion.
Veradigm Metabolic Registries, operated in collaboration with the American College of Cardiology, is the first clinical ambulatory registry aimed at tracking and improving the quality of diabetes and cardiometabolic care across the primary and specialty care continuum.
It provides a longitudinal view of the presentation, progression, management, and outcomes of patients with diabetes as they receive care and treatment from multidisciplinary care teams.
Veradigm’s disease registries leverage both structured and unstructured data to provide precise insights into disease patterns, treatment outcomes, and patient care. These registries enable deep, targeted research that drives innovation and enhances real-world clinical insights.
Registry data provides information on diverse patient populations and rich clinical insights.
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