Integrating clinical research at the Point of Care — A new operating model to enable research as a natural output of clinical practice

Whitepaper  |  10 January 2019

The advances in medical science over recent decades have been startling, yet the process of demonstrating the safety, efficacy, and patient value of new therapies and clinical practices remains inefficient. Some patients suffer unnecessary inconveniences when participating in trials, while other patients miss out on innovative treatments entirely, and many more are denied life-saving therapies for years.

By developing learning healthcare systems and integrating research into the point of care, we have the potential to lower costs, increase efficiencies, and remove bottlenecks that inhibit research—all while improving the welfare of patients. By removing data silos, a fully integrated research model has the potential to allow the blending of the best interventional and observational approaches. The barriers preventing this shift have largely been removed.

Now it’s up to leaders, innovators, regulators and decision makers in healthcare to commit to developing the technologies, workflows, processes, and compliance frameworks to support a research model designed to enable, empower, and benefit research across the industry.


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