Taking on Medication Access Challenges in 2019

Blog  |  14 November 2018

Struggling with high costs or long waits for your medication? Veradigm is helping doctors solve the problem.

Until recently, it is unlikely you have been having informed discussions with your doctor about your real out-of-pocket cost options for your prescribed medications. In addition to the financial impact of this lack of information, you may have been forced to endure long delays before you receive your medications. This is sometimes due to the barriers faced by doctors to secure chosen medications. These requirements can take many forms, including prior authorization, which is a process that requires doctors to provide a number of pieces of information to your health plan, sometimes including your medical chart, to enable the plan to make a decision as to whether the medication will be covered.

Veradigm is working to make it easier for doctors to help their patients appropriately reduce the cost and wait time for their medication, both by automating manual processes for prior authorization, medical chart retrieval and prescribing controlled substances, and by bringing together medication cost data specific to you, your health benefits, and your pharmacies; and delivering it straight to your doctor’s daily workflow during your appointments.

For more information on how Veradigm can help your doctor to help you achieve better health, check out our information for patient solutions, or read on for more details on how Veradigm is working to be part of the solution for long wait times and high medication costs for patients.

Medication affordability – Patients are bearing more cost for their own healthcare than ever before. As a result, they are increasingly demanding to know the cost of a service or product prior to it being administered. This increasing patient consumerism has increased physician demand for ways to more effectively manage the medication cost conversation with patients.

Meeting this challenge requires a truly comprehensive medication cost solution, like Veradigm’s Prescription Price Transparency (PPT). Part of the Veradigm ePrescribe platform, PPT enables your doctor to access a complete range of cash discounts and pharmacy-specific pricing, as well information on appropriate alternatives if available. One recent study showed a greater than $120 average cost savings per fill when prescribers act on real-time price and benefit information.1

Time to prescription – Instead of going through a long process of pulling patient charts, sending faxes and follow-up emails, placing calls, and filling out forms by hand in order to get your prescription approved, Veradigm has desktop and mobile applications that can help doctors to automate the prior authorization process and enable insurance companies to automatically pull patient charts as needed. That can mean significantly less wait time for your medication – days or even weeks less in some cases.

Stay tuned to this blog for more information coming soon about important new solutions for patients and healthcare providers, as well as education on key issues facing the healthcare community today.

And the next time your visit the doctor, be sure to about out-of-pocket price information on your medications. If they can’t provide that information, suggest they check out www.veradigm.com for more information.

1CVS Health Press Release. CVS Health Shows that Better Drug Cost Transparency Can Help Lower Out-of-Pocket Costs. Aug 22, 2018. Available at https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/cvs-health-shows-that-better-drug-cost-transparency-can-help-lower-out-of-pocket-costs-1027476956

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