An update from Tom Langan, Veradigm CEO
As a leading next-generation, data-driven health insights and solutions company, our top priority is always patients. That commitment is even more vital during unfortunate times like the current COVID-19 outbreak. We, at Veradigm, pledge to do our utmost to maintain the highest levels of service, reliability, and insight for patients and the providers that serve them. Our solutions are an integral part of toolsets that medical professionals are using to care for their patients, whether in person or telehealth. Here is an update on our current strategies to do our part in mitigating this ongoing public health risk.
Remote employees
Veradigm is allowing our employees to choose to work from home to help decrease the spread of the virus. Although we prefer in office work for increased team collaboration and thought generation, keeping our employees and their families as safe as possible is most important and allows us to retain the productive capacity we need to continue supporting our solutions, the providers who use them, and the patients who benefit from them. For the employees that do choose to go into an office, we are providing hand sanitizer stations on each floor of all our office locations nationwide and encouraging frequent hand washing.
Employee travel
Veradigm has suspended all non-essential travel to do our part in helping contain the spread of the virus. Our sales and account management teams will still be visiting customer sites, but only when absolutely needed. We do not anticipate any major delays in meeting customer timelines. As a solution, we are encouraging the virtual experience.
Veradigm is proud to have our own Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) on staff who provides weekly updates on the evolving COVID-19 storylines. In addition to tracking the evolving events closely, they also generate thought leadership content that we distribute to all customers and our partners, and forms part of a larger group of clinicians from Allscripts that meet regularly to discuss updated clinical guidance. This team is responsible for making the COVID-19 questionnaires within our software that allows for documentation of current symptoms, recent travel outside the country, etc.
Veradigm is working daily to support the management of this crisis. We hope you, your families, patients, and practice team, stay safe and are able to secure the resources needed should they become infected. Remember, if you or someone you know gets infected, it is important to stay calm and seek immediate medical assistance. Medical facilities have been advised on how to differentiate COVID-19 from influenza and have protocols in place for symptom management.
We want to thank you for being a high valued customer and understand we are here to serve you. We will continue to provide updates.