Real World Data

ASCVD Registry

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Veradigm’s ASCVD Registry

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains one of the most prevalent — and urgent — health issues in the world.

ASCVD, or Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, is caused by the buildup of plaque within the arteries, limiting the flow of blood to important organs. An estimated 18.7 million US adults had ASCVD, of whom 81.6 % had very-high ASCVD risk, and 60.1 % had very-high ASCVD risk and LDL-C ≥ 70 mg/dL.1

Veradigm Cardiology Registries, operated in collaboration with the American College of Cardiology, encompass cardiology’s largest outpatient quality improvement registry.

Doctor using a sethoscope on patient's chest  with Veradigm and American College of Cardiology logo overlaying

Veradigm’s disease registries leverage both structured and unstructured data to provide precise insights into disease patterns, treatment outcomes, and patient care. These registries enable deep, targeted research that drives innovation and enhances real-world clinical insights.

Over 3.3M ASCVD Patients

Over 4,000 Cardiologists

Registry data provides information on diverse patient populations and rich clinical insights.


For more information about Veradigm’s data, research and analytics capabilities for Life Science

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