Strategies for reaching providers with your messaging have been steadily evolving from traditional face-to-face sales models. This evolution has only accelerated with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, making it critical to reach providers where they practice. Get the most from your media budget by reaching targeted providers at the point-of-care, delivering highly targeted messaging through a channel they employ every day.
Veradigm® has been a leader in point-of-care media for over a decade. Veradigm TouchPoint Media
Check out this brief video for more details. Contact us to learn more about how Veradigm TouchPoint Media can help you reach your target audience.
1. The Practice Fusion EHR displays advertisements in an iframe window that is separate and distinguishable from the clinical and practice management workflow within the EHR.
2. No biopharma or device advertisements appear during the prescribing workflow consistent with applicable law.